About this blog
After working in the social sector, consulting and a start-up for over seven years, I recently decided to take a break from work and walk the ~800 km Camino de Santiago pilgrimage.
As I walked, often by myself, for days on end, I got time to intentionally think about how I wanted to spend the next chapter of my life. I noticed how cafes and pubs brought together the community even in the most rural villages I walked through - something missing in the small towns back home. An idea brewed in my head - combining my passion for good coffee with creating such community spaces in tier-2 and tier-3 India.
For a tea-drinking nation, this might seem counterintuitive, especially coming from someone who is an 'outsider' to the coffee industry. Since returning, I have dedicated my time to learning more about speciality coffee, particularly from the Indian context.
With this blog, I plan to document my journey of learning about speciality coffee and bringing it to more people.